Fallen Orchid

May 17, 2013 § 2 Comments

I’m going to throw this out to the universe:

I need models here in Ancona.  That’s a good way to meet people and make friends, don’t you think?

“Ciao, you’re beautiful; pose nude for me?”

Maybe I can play it off as cultural differences; Americans are supposed to be straight-forward and bold, right?

It’s been a rainy two days, so I’ve been holed up at home, stuffing myself with olives, wine, and musicals soundtracks.  And repainting the last canvas in my possession; that means that, now, I will actually have to go out and buy new canvases and start with a white slate in front of me.  Woah… haven’t done that in a couple of years.

This is today’s project: life-size!  Currently, there is a hand on the waist that I spent all day shading to perfection, but…. I think that I’ll black it back out in the morning and keep it as thus (pre-hand):

"Fallen Orchid"

“Fallen Orchid”, acrylic on canvas.

I’m leaving for the Camino di Santiago in two weeks; I have a feeling that until then, I’m just going to play with a variety of styles and materials, and come back to Italy at the end of summer with new ambitions and art project ideas 🙂

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