Moth Orchids

May 11, 2013 § Leave a comment

To be honest, I’ve never been the biggest fan of orchids.  They seemed too fragile, with their simple angles and limited petals.  I felt like I could just snap one in half, and it wouldn’t take more than a slow glass of wine to watch the last petal float down.  Which I know isn’t true, because these flowers are known to blossom under the harshest conditions, thereby leading to their symbolic association with strength and fertility and whatnot.

But, still.  A little bit too elegant and perfectly symmetrical and too peaceful and tame for my liking.

Until a couple of weeks ago, when I developed a fondness for them, out of the blue.  I like the simplicity and grace.  And though I would prefer a bouquet of messy wildflowers on my table, I find these orchids a comforting presence in the house.  Almost like they’re  silently waiting for something that you can’t put your finger on- but, instead of that uneasy anticipation, it’s a relaxed “don’t worry, it’ll come when the time is right” wait.

And then, when I read that this particular type of orchids is called a moth orchid, I kind of fell in love with it.  How beautiful of a contradiction is that?  Or, is there more likeness than difference between the two?

Either way… rainy evenings and stumbling upon watercolors while looking for other art supplies (and orchids on my kitchen table) led to today’s sketch:


Feels good to pick up the art supplies again.  After I finished 25 Canvases, I haven’t really had the opportunity to create colorful pictures… but, back on the right path.

Although, while reading about orchids today, I learned that the ancient Aztecs used extract from vanilla orchids and chocolate to make a potion that enhanced power and love-y things.  So, I might take a little detour to try this out; mostly because it sounds delicious  ; )


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